
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Timelines- Using Knuffle Bunny

In Social Studies we have been using time lines to learn Past, Present, and Future. 
Our sweet families have helped with the unit by making a timeline of the student's lives for homework.  We sent home a sentence strip and asked to to add pictures and events using past, present, future sections.   They came super cute.  I decorated the hallway with them for Open House. 

As a lesson in class we read 2 of Mo Willems' best works of art.  Knuffle Bunny and Knuffle Bunny Too.  We compared Trixie, the main character, in both books.  How did she change?  How can you tell?  Then we predicted what might happen in her future. 

After the discussion, I put the kiddos into partners and gave them the following materials: paper/adding tape, Popsicle sticks, and 3 post-its.  Using these materials they made a timeline of Trixie's life- past, present, and future.   Here's my teacher example they had to look at. 

   One of the reasons I love Mo Willems so much as an author/illustrator is because he creates his characters to be simple enough that children can draw them.  Obviously he's right because I wouldn't have been able to make these pictures of Trixie look so similar to the book.  Way to go Mo.  Thanks for making me feel like a talented artist! 

The kids' time lines came out great but note to self...don't forget to tell them not to copy everything on the teacher example.  Sometimes I forget it's still the beginning of the year.  Then I'm walking around looking at 12 of my time lines.  Reality Check. Clear directions are everything. 

There were some really creative groups however.  One of them said that in the future Trixie will probably pass down her Knuffle Bunny to child.  Is that a science life cycle connection?  I think so!  That one and a couple others made it on the Social Studies Wall. 

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